Was wir tun


Wir entwerfen innovative Workshops, um neue Talente zu fördern. Die Leitung, der thematische Fokus, die Schreibformate sowie die Zielgruppen wechseln, so dass vielfältige Literaturen entstehen.

Stories Born From Songs

Unter der künstlerischen Leitung vom irisch-nigerianischen Autor Chimeka Garricks fand im Oktober 2022 eine Schreibwerkstatt entlang des Titels "Stories Born From Songs" statt. Die Teilnehmer*innen arbeiteten an ihrem Schreibprozess und verschiedenen Schreibmethoden. Unterstützt von Chimeka Garricks haben sie ihre eigenen Kurzgeschichten "Born From Songs" geschrieben und sie bei einer Abschlussveranstaltung präsentiert. Die Kurzgeschichten können auf unserem Blog gelesen werden.


2022 nahmen 8 junge Menschen an einem digitalen Schreib- und Zeichenworkshop teil. Über mehrere Monate hinweg schrieben und illustrierten sie ihre eigene Short Comics unter der Leitung der Schriftstellerin, Übersetzerin und Literaturaktivistin Edwige-Renée Dro und des ghanaischen Illustrators Kofi Ofusu.

Schreibworkshop für junge geflüchtete Frauen

2018 kuratierte und leitete die simbabwischen Spoken Word Künstlerin Linda Gabriel einen Poesie- und Schreibworkshop für junge geflüchtete Frauen. Das Projekt wurde von der Stiftung:do gefördert.


  • Pande.Me | 14.07.2023 | Lesedauer ca. 14 Min.

    The Day In Between

    My name is Mckayla Michaels, only child of the most popular power couple in my town. I live in a small town called Smallville where everyone knows everyone and so they try so hard to stay relevant; some through charity work and others through…
  • Pande.Me | 30.06.2023 | Lesedauer ca. 23 Min.


    Just the tip. That was exactly what I was asked to do. But I still managed to shove the whole thing in there, to see how deep it could go. Terrible idea, terrible idea! I always feared this day will come. The day I unveil an unexpected facet of her…
  • Pande.Me | 23.06.2023 | Lesedauer ca. 21 Min.


    Even in the wind one could feel the mugginess. The sweaty bodies made the shirts wet and sticky. Not even the air broken by the stolen motorbike could cool them down. It remained oppressive. In all that drought and yellow they were dying of heat,…
  • Pande.Me | 23.06.2023 | Lesedauer ca. 13 Min.

    Hi Diary Boy

    “Bye,” he mumbles. In return, he gets a wonderful smile from his mom. Her eyes are raised, and her smile is so long and bright that it reaches her ears. This smile makes him feel sparkles inside, makes him stand up straight. Juth closes the front…
  • Stories Born From Songs | 20.01.2023 | Lesedauer ca. 8 Min.

    In the Middle

    “When do you feel the most vulnerable?” I am asking Ahmed while gently playing with his dark brown curls, wrapping them around my finger. “Well, that is a tough question I have to say,” he answers, biting his lip. I can not stop looking at the…
  • Stories Born From Songs | 20.01.2023 | Lesedauer ca. 21 Min.


    People say that the first person narrative comes with its own traps and shackles. From my point of view, we met at the day of her funeral. Some outsider may say she’s been with me in a way all my life. And she? Well, she may think we met once,…
  • Stories Born From Songs | 13.01.2023 | Lesedauer ca. 16 Min.

    If God wants

    "Where do you need to go?" I can see his back. A middle-aged man, probably in his 60s, with a brown leather jacket worn out by time, like his wrinkled face. He is looking at me through the rear-view mirror, with inquisitional eyes trying to…
  • Stories Born From Songs | 23.12.2022 | Lesedauer ca. 19 Min.


    It is a mild midday in September. Unlike you, the sun had been out all morning. You decide to search for a quiet place nearby to continue reading the book you had not touched in weeks. It takes you way too long to get dressed.